150 hours in 11 months
October 27, 2023 by Croc (adapted without long pretext from a Reddit post)

Today is the day that I hit 150 hours after 299 days of very sporadic watching, averaging out to 30 minutes per day. Obviously, I wasn’t very consistent… at all. But I thought I would still give out my experiences for others.
Over the past 30-50 hours, I have been kind of struggling to focus on a lot of the beginner videos. I found a lot of them to be very boring unfortunately. Throughout most of my time watching Dreaming Spanish, I have also been watching a lot of Native Content as well, even if I don’t fully understand most of what is going on. I simply just don’t count watching most of it to my hours. Well earlier this month, I found a new way to consume a lot of Spanish content through the use of TikTok.
I have my algorithm set to mostly Minecraft and very cheesy “how long would you survive xxxx” videos. Through the tiktok algorithm, I actually found a YouTuber that did a lot of very comprehensible “Minecraft Challenges” that I have spent quite a lot of time recently watching. I notice that I understand a lot of what he is saying because he just describes what he needs to do next then does it. I still don’t count a lot of the time on TikTok or watching these videos because it’s not always high comprehension, but if I evaluate that I did have good comprehension for a certain video for a prolonged period of time, I will add time.
Another thing that I always wanted to do but wasn’t really able to just became available to me, and that is… Playing mindless videogames! I found an idle game for my IPad, and started to watch Dreaming Spanish on the corner of my screen. I’m not at the level currently where I can understand intermediate videos while doing this, but most superbeginner videos and easier beginner videos are possible. I am able to watch Spanish for much longer if I have a game playing and it is awesome. I remember I tried playing idle games at 50 hours as well, but it didn’t go as well back then.
Currently, I would say that I struggle understanding most Intermediate videos. With the easier intermediate videos, I have to focus on the video 100% or else I will get lost, which makes playing idle games more difficult. Overall though, idle games have me listen and focus much longer to where I am able to get through more videos than before!
New goals: I think it would be better to have a more concrete goal going into 2024, so I will do that. By the end of April of 2024, I want to reach level 4. Level 4 is 300 hours, and the end of April is about 180 from today. That means that if I do an hour a day consistently, I will reach it! I think that this goal will be very possible to do, due to my new Idle game strategy, and how much easier it has gotten for me to watch a lot more Spanish in general. I hope by that time, I will be able to maybe even watch an Intermediate video while playing an idle game!
That’s all I wanted to talk about for my last 50 hours! Thank you to those who have read about my journey.
Start here!Last update: 100 hours
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